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19th - 20th March 2025
NEC, Birmingham

CPD Member 


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

19 Mar 2025
Neuro Convention Keynote

A Longitudinal Epidemiological Review Over Five Years in Kent and Medway and Co-design of a resource with survivors of moderate to severe TBI, expert clinicians and charity stakeholders

There is a national gap in the care pathway for survivors of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury and the above research stems from an initiative taken in 2018 in the House of Commons in an attempt to support developing a better care pathway for survivors of moderate/severe traumatic brain injury living in the community.

Mohamed Sakel, Medical Director, Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation Medicine - Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU), part of ACG, Bristol
Karen Saunders, Clinical specialist neuro-physiotherapist (Independent), Consultant research fellow and PhD doctoral candidate at Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) - University of Kent