The power of innovation in the disability sector
How can disability businesses continue to lead the way in innovation to support disabled people? Martin Austin MBE, Managing Director at Nimbus Disability, shares his view.
“Nothing about us, without us”: The foundation that all products and services for disabled people must be built on, so what's better than services that are born out of genuine lived experience and operated by and for disabled people?
Businesses led by disabled people are increasingly recognised as pioneers in innovation, demonstrating a profound impact on the lives of disabled people. By developing solutions that address specific challenges, these enterprises are transforming individual experiences and shaping broader societal attitudes toward accessibility.
Nimbus Disability’s recent Queen’s Award for Innovation is a testament to the transformative power of disability-led enterprise. The success underscores the importance of co-creation with end-users, a principle central to driving meaningful innovation in this sector.
For user-led businesses, and indeed any business that wants to attract disabled people as a customer; the key to sustained success lies in deep engagement with the community they serve. By prioritising the lived experiences of disabled people, companies can identify unmet needs and develop solutions that truly enhance quality of life. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of innovation where feedback loops are essential to refining products and services.
Disabled people are at the heart of this movement. Our insights, experiences, and perspectives are invaluable in shaping the future of accessible services, buildings, technology and design. By sharing our stories and collaborating with businesses, we can contribute directly to the development of solutions that empower them.
User-led businesses are uniquely positioned to drive innovation that creates a more inclusive world. By focusing on the needs of disabled people, fostering collaboration, and embracing a culture of continuous improvement, these enterprises can continue to lead the way in transforming lives.
Martin Austin MBE
Managing Director
Nimbus Disability
Martin is the Managing Director and Founder of Nimbus Disability; a Queen's Award for Innovation winning consultancy service working across a range of industries providing practical and tangible support in meeting and exceeding legal obligations toward disabled people.
Nimbus offers a range of services to businesses but also provides The Access Card for disabled people. The Access Card is the first scheme of its type in the UK to offer a universal and consistent way for disabled people to evidence and communicate their needs to providers quickly and discreetly.
Martin was named in the New Years Honours List 2020 as an MBE for services to Accessibility in the Tourism and Entertainment Sectors.